When you join Creative Arts Weston, you become part of our exciting and passionate creative community, and you will be perfectly placed to lead the way as part of the next creative generation. Rest assured you will remain part of our community when you leave us. Our intention is that you will develop a portfolio of skills, connections, and insight to help you carve out the career you aspire to. You will gain industry experience by collaborating with professionals on unique and engaging projects that have been designed alongside employers to ensure that they are relevant to the industry, now and in the future. You will develop your skills and see them brought to life in front of real clients and audiences.
Whether you wish to immerse yourself in your chosen craft or experiment with different disciplines, you will be fully supported by our talented lecturers and technicians who will help you explore and express your unique creativity. You will be taught by lecturers that are practicing creatives with an outstanding depth and breadth of skills and experience – look at some of their work! These professional performers and artists will spark your creativity and coax and challenge you to develop your own talents. You will receive exceptional support and personal tuition, empowering you to take risks and giving you the freedom to explore your creative boundaries.
At Creative Arts Weston we offer stimulating spaces and specialist studios. Whether you need state-of-the-art photographic dark rooms or light-filled performance spaces, you will find it here. We are equipped with ceramics and textiles studios, technical workshops, and specialist maker spaces for artists. Students on design or Film & TV production programmes benefit from computer suites, printing and photography workshops and media rooms. Performers have access to an extensive range of professionally equipped studio spaces and theatres, including local town centre theatres. The music wing includes a double height performance hall, rehearsal spaces and professional recording studios. This is your space, and you will be encouraged to explore and use the facilities to help you in your creative endeavours. Our campuses are open late at least two nights a week so you will be able to have access when you need it.
It is in the creative arts studios and spaces that you will connect with other students, collaborating and creating compelling work together. We are committed to providing an inclusive environment and we actively encourage equality and diversity, ensuring that all students enjoy a safe space to fulfil their creative aspirations. You will inspire each other to deliver dynamic performances and powerful pieces of work. Life on campus is exciting, but the visits you will make and trips you will take are formative experiences that will truly inspire you. Depending on the course you are taking, you might find yourself working at a festival, taking a residential trip to explore galleries in Cornwall, experiencing the bright lights of Broadway or exploring a film set in LA.
You will develop your creative network through our links with cultural organisations, and this exposure to industry partners will help open diverse doors for you in your future career. We will help you develop employability skills and prepare you to stand out from the competition. You will be given advice and support from our highly trained guidance team and supported with wrap-around pastoral care. Employment in the creative sector is forever changing and there are no limits to the fulfilling career you can design.
Based at the Loxton Campus you will benefit from:
- Mac and PC IT studio
- Industry-standard software
- Adobe Creative Suite including Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere
- A wide range of professional-standard equipment available to loan
- Photography darkrooms and studios with professional lighting
- Dedicated specialist working spaces for printmaking and textiles
- The Black Magic outside broadcast system and three-camera set-up
- Maya and Unreal game and animation Digital and analogue recording studios
- Fully equipped practice spaces
- Live performance space
- Local music venues for gigging opportunities
- Suite of instruments to hire
- Four dance and performing arts studios
- Two tap studios
- Singing studio
- Dedicated performing and production arts theory rooms
- In-house studio theatre
- Art room
- Wardrobe facilities
- Performances in local theatres.
- Industry standard recording software including Logic, Pro X and Pro Tools
- Fast, free and secure WiFi connection
- A well-resourced library including e-resources and laptop loan service
- Access to sports facilities and a gym