
Award Winner Ben’s Civil Engineering Journey


Meet Ben, who was named the Construction Professions, Trades, and Services Student of the Year at Weston College’s Celebration of Success event. He exemplified excellence in his two-year T-Level course in Design, Surveying, and Planning in Construction. His outstanding performance was particularly evident during his industry work placement at Hydrock, where he impressed with his knowledge and understanding of their work. 

“I could learn about different sides of the construction industry. It gives you a good balance of real-life client work and virtual experiences that reflect it,” Ben recollects, highlighting the invaluable exposure to various elements of the construction industry that the work placement provided. 

Ben remembers feeling well-prepared for his interview and subsequent placement with Hydrock, attributing it to the knowledge and skills he acquired. Ben’s talent did not go unnoticed, as he was offered a further job interview with Hydrock while still studying for his T-Level. His commitment and capability led to a full-time position offer upon successful completion of his course. 

Currently, Ben thrives at University Centre Weston on the Construction and the Built Environment HNC Course, paving the way for a Degree Apprenticeship later in his studies. Ben uses the flexibility of UCW courses to combine this with his role at Hydrock, at their head office in Bristol.  With aspirations to attain chartered status as a Civil Engineer, Ben’s journey is a testament to his ambition and determination. 

As an inspiration to future students, Ben’s advice echoes his journey: “You get out what you put in.” His story underscores the transformative power of dedication, preparation, and seizing opportunities when they present themselves. 

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