
From UCW to the Classroom: Chelsea’s Journey in Early Years Education


Former UCW student Chelsea has been making strides in the education sector since completing her Early Years Education degree. Chelsea, who specialised in Primary and Early Years Education, is currently engaged in teaching supply work through Education People Agency while eagerly anticipating the right permanent teaching position. 

Reflecting on her journey, Chelsea acknowledges the pivotal role UCW played in shaping her career trajectory. “I don’t think I would have been in a position to do my PGCE without completing my Early Years Degree,” she remarked. “It provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge, giving me a ‘leg up’ as I ventured into teaching.” 

Chelsea credits her lecturers, Susie Score and Lauren Pring, for their expertise and guidance. “They have so much knowledge in this field and are great at provoking thought,” she says. “I genuinely felt I changed as a person and a professional in the best way.” 

During her time at UCW, Chelsea pursued a Foundation Degree in Early Years followed by a BA Top Up in Early Years Education, enjoying modules like ‘Symbolic Representation’ and ‘Research in Early Education.’ “I found everything about children’s communication and language skills fascinating,” she shared. “The freedom to choose topics of personal interest for research was enriching.” 

UCW’s supportive environment and top-notch facilities were instrumental in Chelsea’s academic journey. “The library team and academic support were amazing,” she notes. “Access to a wide range of resources, including physical and online materials, greatly enhanced my learning experience.” Guest lecturers were also offered to Chelsea, including Carol Hayes on ‘reflective practice’ and Michael Follett on ‘play work’ which she described as really inspiring. 

Looking back, Chelsea fondly remembers the inviting atmosphere and engaging lectures at UCW. “The setting was always inviting, and the Early Years teaching team was amazing,” she recalls. “Lectures were not only informative but also enjoyable.” 

As Chelsea continues her pursuit of a permanent teaching position, she remains grateful for the education and opportunities provided by UCW. Her story serves as a testament to the transformative power of quality education in shaping aspiring educators. 

To find out more about Early Years and Education at UCW, click here!