
Joe’s Musical Theatre Experience


UCW proudly highlights Joe, a student on the BA (Hons) Musical Theatre course. Joe’s journey at UCW is a testament to our commitment to nurturing talent and supporting students through every step of their academic path. 

Growing Knowledge and Skills 

Joe credits UCW with significantly enhancing his understanding and abilities in musical theatre. He states, “It’s helped me to develop my knowledge and ability in my course and guided me towards success!” This development has been crucial in preparing Joe for a successful future in the performing arts. 

Supportive Lecturers 

The lecturers at UCW have played a vital role in Joe’s academic journey. “They’ve helped me so much,” Joe shares. Their encouragement and expertise have been instrumental in keeping Joe motivated and focused on his goals. 

Exceptional Support 

For Joe, the support from the HEART Team and other staff has been exceptional. “They’ve been so good at supporting students. As someone who has autism, the support for autistic people has been incredible,” Joe remarks. This inclusive and supportive environment has allowed Joe to thrive at UCW. 

Future Aspirations 

Looking ahead, Joe is eager to pursue a career in Film and TV, while also exploring opportunities in theatre. His experiences at UCW have equipped him with the skills and confidence to aim high and follow his passion. 

Course Highlights 

One of Joe’s favourite aspects of the Musical Theatre degree is the spontaneous moments that create strong connections with others. “The fun of the random moments that connect me to each of my classmates” is what Joe enjoys most, reflecting the camaraderie and collaborative spirit of the programme. 

We are proud to support students like Joe and look forward to seeing his continued success in Musical Theatre!  

For more information on the BA (Hons) Musical Theatre course at UCW, click here!